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Trauma Defined
I define trauma very broadly as a disturbing experience that produces distressing symptoms. I view trauma on a continuum from moderate...

Hearing Your Body Speak: Are You Listening? Decoding What Your Body is Telling You
Have you ever woken up in the morning with a sore throat that seems to have come out of nowhere and think that you are getting sick, but...

Thriving with Vitamin N
Experiencing nature, or even recalling a positive nature experience, contributes to our overall well-being in astonishing ways.

Dissolving Blocking Beliefs with Memory Reconsolidation
I’ve seen the phenomenon my entire career as a psychologist and have personally experienced it repeatedly – the tendency to sabotage...

What Are Blocking Beliefs
We can relate to the experience of setting a goal only to find ourselves not taking the steps needed to achieve that goal. Even when we...

Return to Civility
It’s a typical Monday morning for me during COVID. I work from home, tackling insurance issues and seeing clients via telehealth. As I...

Turning Fear Into Strength During COVID-19
How do we cope with the great change this virus has brought to our world? A key is strengthening our inner resilience.

Stepping Into Nature
It was perfect synergy when my friend asked if my daughter and I would like to accompany him on a trip to the Teton Mountains in Wyoming....

A Vibrant Life
I think Beth was the most extraordinary person I have ever met. She never met a stranger. She had a way of conveying her love to you, and...

Parenting: AÂ Little Word For A Big Job
I prefer to approach this topic not as a psychologist and expert, but as a parent. I have been parenting for over 24 years. We are all on...

Birth Dance
Groping in the darkness, I reached for my ringing phone at midnight. I had been asleep for less than an hour. My daughter Julia's voice...

A Conversation With Donna Eden Part 1
A fascinating discussion with Donna Eden about her life and work as the foremost practitioner of energy medicine - Part 1 Donna Eden is...

A Conversation With Donna Eden Part 2
A fascinating discussion with Donna Eden about her life and work as the foremost practitioner of energy medicine - Part 2

Successful New Year's Goals
Start earlier or later, but start.... The obstacles that prevented you from reaching your goals in the previous year do not magically...

Be Set Free Fast
Would you like to have limiting beliefs dissolve, sabotaging behavior disappear, and feel you are fulfilling your potential? Be Set Free...
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